Experience our connected and welcoming space, designed to fulfill all your audiovisual needs for both in-person and remote presentations.

Location overview




  • 311 seats, including 8 for people with reduced mobility
  • 31m² LED wall with 38/9 resolution
  • 3 49-inch return screens
  • Production, recording and live streaming to all platforms
  • Video conferencing for remote participation in real-time
  • Simultaneous translation booth
  • Lectern with a touchscreen return display
  • Lighting system equipped with 36 projectors


Book your event

We can help you realize your project.

Maylis Cabanieu &

Maulita Sabillah

05 64 30 01 22

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vos attentes. Nous reviendrons
vers vous sous 48h.

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about your expectations.
We will get back to you
within 48 hours.


Meeting room

salle de créativité le connecteur

Atrium / lounge

Le Marloe Biarritz

Café Working