Restaurant Le Marloe

Welcome to Le Marloe, a warm and elegant restaurant located adjacent to Le Connecteur. It offers a gastronomic experience that is perfect for your business meals.

Location overview



Restaurant Le Marloe

  • Air-conditioned room
  • Capacity: 60 people for seated meals and 80 for cocktails
  • Private lounge for 18 people
  • Shaded terrace under the glass roof of Le Connecteur for 40 people
  • Boutique offering a selection of gourmet products and tableware items


Book your event

We can help you realize your project.

Maylis Cabanieu &

Maulita Sabillah

05 64 30 01 22

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within 48 hours.

Restaurant Le Marloe

Meeting room

salle de créativité le connecteur

Atrium / lounge

Le Marloe Biarritz

Café Working