Welcome to The Wall, a unique room that offers exceptional technical features for an immersive experience.

Location overview



The Wall

  • Offers 24 seats
  • 3m² LED wall with next-generation display for a unique experience
  • Click Share videoconferencing system – secure wireless connection, each user can set up a videoconference using their own hardware and software
  • Includes ceiling microphones for high-quality and discreet sound capture
  • Equipped with a motorized camera configurable via iPad
  • Enables recording and live streaming


Book your event

We can help you realize your project.

Maylis Cabanieu &

Maulita Sabillah

05 64 30 01 22

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We will get back to you
within 48 hours.

The Wall

Meeting room

salle de créativité le connecteur

Atrium / lounge

Le Marloe Biarritz

Café Working